About Me
Hi, my name is Tommy and I’m a postdoctoral student at the department of Anatomy and Neurosciences (Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc). My research uses computational neuroscience and network neuroscience to study brain network dynamics across diseases and disorders (main focus: multiple sclerosis and stress).
This page is mainly intended to provide a quick overview of my shared code. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in collaborating and/or applying any code to your own research!
Shared Code
This is my preprocessing pipeline for functional and structural connectivity and network analyses using resting-state fMRI and diffusion MRI.
This code will perform phase randomization on fourier transformed data, consistently across timeseries. This preserves static connectivity and n-lag autocorrelation, but time-dependent connectivity properties are randomized.
This code will perform community detection for multilayer connectivity matrices. The code is relatively computationally inexpensive and uses prior information on subnetwork organization to initialize/constrain the detection.
Research experience
“Energy Associated With Dynamic Network Changes in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis and Cognitive Impairment”
“Dynamic reconfigurations of brain networks in depressive and anxiety disorders: The influence of antidepressants”
“A more unstable resting-state functional network in cognitively declining multiple sclerosis”
“Glutamate levels across deep brain structures in patients with a psychotic disorder and its relation to cognitive functioning”
“Dorsal attention network centrality increases during recovery from acute stress exposure”
Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc
July 2023 - Present
Building biophysical models of brain activity for multiple sclerosis and start research line into brain dynamics and stress in people with multiple sclerosis
Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc
PhD Student
May 2020 - June 2023
Quantifying brain dynamics in multiple sclerosis and stress-related disorders
Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc
Research Assistant
Jan 2019 - May 2020
Functional connectivity in neurological and psychiatric disorders
Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc
Research Intern
Okt 2018 - Jan 2019
Functional connectivity changes in the brain during acute stress recovery.
UMC Utrecht
Research Intern
Nov 2017 - Sep 2018
Functional connectivity changes in the brain during acute stress recovery.
Utrecht University
2017 - 2019
MSc Neuroscience and Cognition
Tilburg University
2014 - 2017